日本財団 図書館


2. The Minister of Transport shall, when any offer of objection has been made under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, decide whether or not a loss justifying compensation does in fact exists, and in the case where such loss should be compensated, shall decide on the amount of compensation, notifying the applicant of said facts.


(Grant of Compensation)
Article 13. The Government will grant said compensation to such person who should receive it within 30 days of the date following the day on which the term under the same paragraph has expired in cases where no objection has been offered under the provisions of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, or it will do so within 30 days of the date following that on which the notification is given the same paragraph in cases where there has been any objection under the provisions of the same paragraph and a decision has been made under the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article.


(Complaint for Claim Increase)
Article 14. Any person who has an objection against the decision under the provisions of Article 12 paragraph 2 (decision, etc. concerning the compensation) may make a claim for increase in compensation within three months of the date on which the notification was received.


2. In the case of a complaint under the preceding paragraph, the State shall be the defendant.


(Complaint of Dispute)
Article 15. Any person who has an objection against the decision under the provisions of Article 11 paragraph 3 (decision, etc. concerning the compensation) may dispute only according to the provisions under Article 12 paragraph 1 (Offer of Objection) and Article 14 paragraph 1.


(Procedures. etc. for Compensation of Loss relating to New Tokyo International Airport)
Article 16. Any compensation of loss under the provisions of Article 10 (Compensation of Loss) in relation to the New Tokyo International Airport shall be provided for by negotiation between the parties concerned. In cases where no negotiations have been held, those parties may make an application for arbitration to the Minister of Transport.


2. The Minister of Transport shall, when receiving an application for arbitration under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, notify the other party to that effect and provide an opportunity for the submission of a written reply, indicating the terms.





